ESTHER RAYO, soprano 



A major LIEDER ALIVE! recording of their beloved Spanish songs!!

It is now high time to record their ever deepening musical partnership! The recording will offer us all this multi-faceted program of Spanish-language treasures drawn from their recent concerts, and their rousing success at Herbst Theater in San Francisco.

As we spread our wings into more expansive multi-language repertoire, we invite you to join us in taking this opportunity to find yourself falling in love with Canciónes Clasicás – classical Spanish-language songs, (unless of course you already have) and to encourage others to do the same, by way of a major new recording under the auspices of recording engineer and producer, the marvelous Matt Carr, in the renowned acoustics of St.Stephen’s Church, Belvedere, CA. The multi-layered recording process will commence in mid-August!

The fin-de-siècle (or should we say Fin del siglo‽) and twentieth century composers Fernando Obradors, Manuel de Falla, Enrique Granados, Alberto Ginastera and Xavier Montsalvatge penned these wonderful sensuous songs that are usually considered classical repertoire. However, they have a welcoming and accessible aura that transends their genre, and are often beloved by audiences who have never even heard a classical concert or recording!

The great artists from the last century, Montserrat Caballé and Victoria de los Ángeles, kept them wonderfully alive in their era, and now we have two extraordinary artists following their lead for the new millennium: The lovely sunshine-voiced Esther Rayo, and our Artist-in-Residence, esteemed pianist Peter Grünberg.

Do please consider a contribution if you are able. Thank you so much!